Sodoben umetniški nakit tekstilne oblikovalke Arijane Gadžijev ter oblikovalke nakita in akademske kiparke Dalije Sega.
Kolekcija In-between je tisto vmes, med dvema ekstremoma, dvema svetovoma, dvema materijama, med dvemi obdobji, med odtisi preteklosti in fantazijami prihodnosti.
Dvoje, kjer ni eno pomembnejše od drugega, kjer sta včasih skupaj, včasih narazen, kjer sta prepletena in kjer gresta svojo pot, kjer se dopolnjujeta in kjer si kradeta. Kjer sta eno in vsak zase.
Kolekcija tekstilno srebrnega nakita je nastala v “korona-obdobju”, ko hrepenimo po “normalnih” časih in se na mejah vsakdanje realnosti sprehajamo enkrat po eni in drugič po drugi strani, večinoma pa smo nekje vmes.
Ročno oblikovani organski odtisi v srebru se v treh kombinacijah avtorskih tekstilnih vzorcev, potiskanih na tkanino, dopolnjujejo skozi celotno kolekcijo nakita, ki jo sestavljajo ogrlice, uhani, broška in prstan.
The collection In-between is that of two extremes, two worlds, two matters, between two periods in time, between the imprints of the past and the fantasies of the future. Two- where one is not more important than the other, where they are sometimes together, sometimes apart, where they are intertwined and where they go their own way, where they complement each other and where they take away from each other. Where they are as one and each for itself. The collection of textile silver jewelry was created in the "Corona time", at the end of the year 2020, when we longed for "normal" times and walked the fine line of everyday reality, somewhere between one side and the other, but mostly somewhere in between. Handmade organic prints in silver are complemented by three combinations of artistic textile patterns printed on fabric, which together form the contemporary art jewelry, consisting of necklaces, earrings, a brooch and a ring. The collection was made together with my friend and colleague Arijana Gadžijev
From 15th to 17th October 2021 the collection was presented at design fair Blickfang Wien in Vienna, as part of the project Made in Slovenia by SOTO Society. The silver-pink In-between necklace was published in ARTE Y JOYA Contemporary Jewellery Yearbook 2021. In May 2022 the collection was exhibited at Lolita Eipprova during the Slovenian Jewelry Week and in October 2022 it was chosen for Jewelry Drops exhibition at Milano Jewelry Week 2022.
Photo: Tadej Čauševič